How to search/browse for what you need, by Subject or Category
In general use the most specific heading in the Subject menu or Category menu that you can. You will often get the most useful results by browsing by Subject. But if you are looking for ways of finding a particular category of resource, for example newspapers, browse that heading in the Category drop-down menu.
A-Z of all eResource Titles
Click on any letter of the alphabet, and the next screen will be a list of all of the eResources whose titles begin with that letter.

Click on the title of an eResource and you will be taken to the full record for that eResource. This will include information about any password needed to access the eResource and also a link to go to it.
eResource Title Search
Type the title of the eResource you want. It should be the exact title (or the first few words of it) with the correct spelling. Do not type the subject you are interested in. If you want to find eResources on a subject, use "Browse eResources by Subject".

Click on the title of an eResource and you will be taken to the full record for that eResource. This will include information about any password needed to access the eResource and also a link to go to it.
Browse eResources by Subject
The drop-down Subject menu contains the main subject departments in the University. If you are looking for eResources on your Subject, click on its name on the menu, then click on Browse. The next screen will be a list of the eResources for that subject in A-Z order by title.

To go to a particular eResource, click on its title. For further details of an eResource, including information about any password needed to access it, click on "See full resource record".

In addition to the resources for individual subjects there are some important resources (for example ways of finding journal articles such as Web of Knowledge) under the heading "Resources for all subjects" because they are of use to a very wide range of subjects. You'll often find it useful to look under "Resources for all subjects" as well as your own subject.
Browse eResources by Category
Use the most specific Category that you can. For example if you are looking for maps, scroll down the categories to "Maps" and click on this, then click on Browse. The next screen will be a list of the eResources of that category in A-Z order by title.

To go to a particular eResource, click on its title. For further details of an eResource, including information about any password needed to access it, click on "See full resource record".

There is also a category for "Reference works", which will lead you to encyclopedias, public transport timetables, and other resources of general interest.