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Title Progress in organic chemistry.
Publication Info London : Butterworths.

 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1952, v.1  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1953, v.2  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1955, v.3  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1958, v.4  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1961, v.5  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1964, v.6  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1968, v.7  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1973, v.8  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT

Pub Date Ceased publishing with v.008,1973.
Library Holdings Library has: v.1-8, 1952-1973.
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Subject Chemistry, Organic.
Alt author Cook, James Wilfred.
Carruthers, W.
Sutherland, James Kenneth.
Pub Date Ceased publishing with v.008,1973.
Library Holdings Library has: v.1-8, 1952-1973.
Subject Chemistry, Organic.
Alt author Cook, James Wilfred.
Carruthers, W.
Sutherland, James Kenneth.
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1952, v.1  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1953, v.2  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1955, v.3  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1958, v.4  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1961, v.5  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1964, v.6  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1968, v.7  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT
 Chemistry Dept.  QD 241 P96  1973, v.8  DEPT DECISION  ASK AT DEPT

Subject Chemistry, Organic.
Pub Date Ceased publishing with v.008,1973.
Library Holdings Library has: v.1-8, 1952-1973.
Alt author Cook, James Wilfred.
Carruthers, W.
Sutherland, James Kenneth.

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