Armstrong W G William George Baron 1810 1900 : The industrial resources of the district of the three northern rivers, the Tyne, Wear and Tees : including the reports on the local manufactures ... / edited by W.G. Armstrong ... [et al.].
Armstrong Walter Sir : The Grosvenor Gallery winter exhibition, 1889 : a second series of A century of British art from 1737 to 1837 / [with notes by W. Armstrong].
Armuthaz Bollicosgo : The coffee-mans granado : discharged upon the Maidens complaint against coffee. In a dialogue between Mr. Black-burnt and Democritus; wherein is discovered severall strange, wonderful, and miraculous cures performed by coffee, (the like never heard of since the creation.) with the names of the persons, and places of their abode, who were cured when left off by the physitians. Also some merry passages between Peg and Cis, two merry milk-maids of Islington, touching the rare vertues of chocolate / written by Don Bollicosgo Armuthaz.
Arnaldez Jean Jacques : Collection of ICC arbitral awards, 1996-2000 = Recueil des sentences arbitrales de la CCI, 1996-2000 / [compiled by] Jean-Jacques Arnaldez, Yves Derains, Dominique Hascher.
Arnaldez Roger : Mahomet : ou, La predication prophetique.
Arnaldi B Bruno : Virtual reality and augmented reality : myths and realities / Bruno Arnaldi, Pascal Guitton, Guillaume Moreau.
Arnaldi Francesco : Poeti latini del Quattrocento / a cura di F. Arnaldi, L. Gualdo Rosa e L. Monti Sabia.
Arnaldi Ivan : La vita violenta di Benvenuto Cellini.
Arnall Alexander H Alexander Huw 1978 : Climate and culture : multidisciplinary perspectives on a warming world / edited by Giuseppe Feola, Hilary Geoghegan, Alex Arnall.