Audley Lewes : A copie of a letter sent from the agitators of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax's armie, to all the honest sea-men of England: : heartily and cordially declaring their reall intentions to the peace and prosperity of the kingdome, and the firme setling and establishing of all the just interests thereof, into the hands and possessions the right owners of them. Dated at S. Albans 21. June 1647. Published by the order and speciall desire of the said agitators.
Audoin Rouzeau Stephane : France and the Great War, 1914-1918 / Leonard V. Smith, Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, Annette Becker ; French sections translated by Helen McPhail.
Audouy Michel : Raunds : the origin and growth of a midland village, AD 450-1500 : excavations in north Raunds, Northamptonshire 1977-87 / Michel Audouy and Andy Chapman (editor) ; with major contributions by Paul Blinkhorn ... [et al.]
Aue Maximilian : Big Typescript, TS. 213. English & German
Auer Anita 1975 : Letter writing and language change / edited by Anita Auer, Utrecht University, Daniel Schreie, University of Zurich, Richard J. Watts, University of Berne.