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Bach Hans I Hans Israel : The German Jew : a synthesis of Judaism and western civilization, 1730-1930.  1984 1
Bach James : Lessons learned in software testing : a context-driven approach / Cem Kaner, James Bach, Bret Pettichord.  c2002 1
Bach Jean Francois : The mode of action of immunosuppressive agents.  1975 1
Bach Johann Bernhard 1676 1749 : Johann Bernhard Bach, Johann Michael Bach, Johann Heinrich Buttstedt, Johann Gottfried Walther / uitgegeven door Ewald Kooiman.  1978 1
Bach Johann Christian 1735 1782   46
Bach Johann Christoph Friedrich 1732 1795   11
Bach Johann Ernst 1722 1777   2
Bach Johann Ludwig   2
Bach Johann Michael : Be not afraid : (Furchtet euch nicht) : a Christmas motet / arranged and edited gy w. Ehret.  1965 1
Bach Johann Sebastian 1685 1750   457
Bach John : A maritime history of Australia.  1976 1
Bach Jonathan P G : What remains : everyday encounters with the socialist past in Germany / Jonathan Bach.  2017 1
Bach Kathryn F : Romance linguistics and the Romance languages : a bibliography of bibliographies.  1977 1
Bach Kent   2
Bach Matthew G : Wielands attitude toward woman and her cultural and social relations.  1966 1
Bach Maurizio : Die Europäisierung nationaler Gesellschaften / herausgegeben von Maurizio Bach.  c2000 1
Bach Michael M E S : Disability is not measles : new research paradigms in disability / edited by Marcia H. Rioux and Michael Bach.  1994 1
Bach Quintin V S : Soviet economic assistance to the less developed countries : a statistical analysis.  1987 1
Bach Shirley Shirley A   7
Bach Stefan : Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen einer ökologischen Steuerreform / von Stefan Bach [and others].  1995 1
Bach Stephen 1963   4
Bach Walter : Partita canonica, vater urser im Himmelreich, für orgel, 1960.  1967 1
Bach Wilhelm Friedemann 1710 1784   12
Bacha Edmar L : International financial intermediation : a long and tropical view / [by] E.L. Bacha and C.F. Diaz Alejandro.  1982 1
Bacharach Alfred Louis   6
Bacharach Burt 1928 : The Sissi collection [videorecording].  c2007 1
Bacharach M O L : Activity analysis in the theory of growth and planning / ed. by E. Malinvaud.  1967 1
Bacharach Michael O L   3
Bacharach Samuel B   2
Bachaumont Francois Le Coigneux De : Oeuvres de Chappelle et de Bachaumont.  1854 1
Bachaumont Francois Le Coigneuxde : Voyage de Chapelle et de Bachaumont.  1927 1
Bachaumont Louis Petit De : Memoires secrets de Bachaumont.  1859 1
Bache Arthur 1599 Or 1600   3
Bache Carl : The order of premodifying adjectives in present day English.  1978 1
Bache Cortes Yolanda : Pascual Duarte y Alfanhui : dos actitudes de posguerra / por I. Bache Cortes y Irma Isabel Fernadez Arias.  1979 1
Bache F Mary : Salter : the story of a family firm, 1760-1960.  1960 1
Bache Humphrey   6
Bache Ian   10
Bache John B : Practical procedures in the emergency department / John Bache, Carolyn Armitt, Cathy Gadd.  1998 1
Bache Wiig Harald   2
Bachelard Gaston 1884 1962   21
Bachelard Suzanne : A study of Husserl's formal and transcendental logic.  1968 1
Bacheler Daniel : Selected works for lute.  1972 1
Bacheler Giles : At Giles Bacheler's new lottery-office, ....  1731 1
Bachelet Pierre   2
Bachelet Theodore : Dictionnaire general de biographie et d'histoire / par C. Dezobry et T. Bahcelet.  1861 1
Bachelier G : La vie dans les sols : aspects nouveaux : etudes experimentales / par G. Bachelier and others.  1971 1
Bachelin Henri   2
Bachelis Tatiana Izrailevna : Shekspir i Kreg.  1983 1
Bachellier Evelyne : Pretexte : Roland Barthes / colloque de Cerisy ; [ed. par]Antoine Compagnon et Evelyne Bachellier.  1978 1
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