Barley William : A new booke of tabliture, 1596 lute music of Shakespear's time / edited and transcribed for keyboard with the original tablature by W.N.Newcomb.
Barlog Boleslaw : Biografie eines theaters : ein halbes jahrhundert Schlosspark-Theaters, Berlin / mit Beiträgen von B.Barlog, Redaktion, A. essler.
Barlotti A : Generators and relations in groups and geometries : [proceedings of the] NATO Advanced Study Institute ... Castelvecchio Pascoli (Lucca), Italy, April 1-14, 1990 / edited by A. Barlotti ... [et al.].
Barlow Craig : The Complexities of Human Trafficking and Exploitation : The Circles of Analysis.
Barlow Craig Harvey : Child criminal exploitation : a new systemic model to improve professional assessment, investigation and intervention / Craig Harvey Barlow.
Barlow D : The records of the Forfeited Estates Commission / prepared by D.Barlow.
Barlow Dilly : Dickens on film [videorecording] / directed by Anthony Wall.
Barlow Edward 1642 : Barlow's journal of his life at sea in King's ships, East & West Indiamen and other merchantmen from 1659 to 1703 / transcribed from the original manuscript by Basil Lubbock.
Barlow Frank : Writing medieval biography, 750-1250 : essays in honour of Professor Frank Barlow / edited by David Bates, Julia Crick and Sarah Hamilton.
Barlow Henry : Watercolours and sketches of Malaya, 1880-1894 / F. Swettenham & G. Giles; text by Lim Chong Keat & H. Barlow.
Barlow Henry Clark : A list of the papers and correspondence of Henry Clark Barlow, M.D. (1806-1876), held in the Manuscripts Room, University College London Library.
Barlow Horace Basil : Images and understanding : thoughts about images, ideas about understanding : a collection of essays based on a Rank prize funds' international symposium organized with the help of J. Miller held at the Royal Society in October 1986 / edited by Horace Barlow, Colin Blakemore, Miranda Weston-Smith.