Barnwell Joan : Bibliography of theses on French language and literature deposited in university libraries of the United Kingdom (1905-1975) / by H.T. Barnwell and J. Barnwell.
Barnwell Neil : Organisation theory : concepts and cases / Stephen P. Robbins, Neil Barnwell.
Baroda State Museum And Picture Gallery : Descriptive catalogue of the collection of paintings, illustrative of the course of European art from the 15th of the 20th century, compiled by E. Rimbault Dibdin.
Baroin Jeanne : Simon de Pouille : chanson de geste.
Barolli Leonard : Complex, intelligent and software intensive systems : proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2021) / Leonard Barolli.
Baron George Active 1652 : No-body his complaint : a dialogue between Master No Body, and Doctour Some-Body. A delightfull discourse. By George Baron. No-Body. Why do'st thou father all they lies on me? heaping indignities on one that never injur'd thee? Som-Body. My words and acts hurt no-body. No-Body. Som-Body hath belied me much, no-body sure hath cause to grutch.