Bietenhard Hans : The new international dictionary of New Testament theology / edited by C. Brown; translated with additions and revisions, from the German "Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament / edited by L. Coenen, E. Beyreuther and H. Beitenhard.
Biever Bruce Francis : Religion, culture, and values : a cross-cultural analysis of motivational factors in native Irish and American Irish Catholicism.
Big Onion Walking Tours New York N Y : The Big Onion guide to New York City : ten historic tours / Seth Kamil and Eric Wakin ; with a foreword by Kenneth T. Jackson.
Bigand Emmanuel : Thinking in sound : the cognitive psychology of human audition / edited by Stephen McAdams and Emmanuel Bigand.
Bigandet Paul Ambrose : The life or legend of Gaudama, the Buddha of the Burmese ...
Bigard Alain : Groupes et anneaux réticulés / Alain Bigard, Klaus Keimel, Samuel Wolfenstein.
Bigarella Joao Jose : Processes and environments of the Brazilian quaternary / a paper prepared by J.J. Bigarella, M.R. Mousiritio and J. Xavier da Silva.
Bigazzi Duccio : La Lombardia / a cura di Duccio Bigazzi e Marco Meriggi.
Bigelow Kathryn M : Reducing child maltreatment : a guidebook for parent services / John R. Lutzker, Kathryn M. Bigelow.
Bigelow Keith : Summary of current information on the biology, fisheries and stock assessment of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Pacific Ocean, with recommendations for data requirements and future research / John Hampton, Keith Bigelow and Marc Labelle.