Binning Charles : Disputatio juridica, : de usufructu & quemadmodum quis utatur fruatur. Quam auspice Deo. T.O.M. / Ex auctoritate, consultissimi viri, D.D. Hugonis Dalrymple, de North-Berwick. Inclytæ facultatis juridicæ decani. Nec non ex ejusdem facultatis consensu & decreto, publicæ disquisitioni subjicit, ad advocati munus aspirans. Carolus Binning. A. & R. Ad diem Jan. H.L.Q.S.
Binnington E : A short description of the parish church of St.Mary, Beverley.
Binnington Isabel 1634 : A Strange and wonderfull discovery of a horrid and cruel murther committed fourteen years since upon the person of Robert Eliot, of London, at Great Driffield in the East-Riding of the county of York : discovered in September last by the frequent apparitions of a spirit in several shapes and habits unto Isabel Binnigton, the wife of William Binnington, the now inhabitants in the house where this most execrable murther was committed : together with a discourse that passed between the spirit and the said Isabel Binnington after its first appearing / taken upon oath at the examination of the said Isabel, before Sir Thomas Rennington, Knight, and Thomas Crompton, Esq., two of His Majesties justices of peace for that Riding, Septemb. 2, 1662.
Binns Bernard Ottwell : The consolidation of fragmented agricultural holdings; an F.A.O. study.
Binns Carole : Module design in a changing era of higher education : academic identity, cognitive dissonance and institutional barriers / Carole Binns.