Blackwall Rich : The case of the first undertakers for reducing of letters to half the former rates, truely stated..
Blackwall Richard : To all ingenuous people: : a second intimation fro the new undertakers for conveyance of letters at half the rates to severall parts of England and Scotland.
Blackwel James : The nativity of Mr. Will. Lilly astrologically performed : shewing how he hath lived, and what death he may probably die. For the satisfaction of astrologers and others. Published to the world by James Blackwel, student in astrology and physick.
Blackwell Alfred E : The charm and history of Instow (with Lundy island).
Blackwell Alice Stone : Growing up in Boston's gilded age : the journal of Alice Stone Blackwell, 1872-1874 / edited by Marlene Deahl Merrill.
Blackwell Barry : Treatment compliance and the therapeutic alliance / edited by Barry Blackwell.
Blackwell Barry Quentin : Chemical, mineralogical and microstructural studies of the brickmaking process utilising Etruria and Keuper Marl in three Redland Brick plants.
Blackwell Constance : Philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : conversations with Aristotle / edited by Constance Blackwell and Sachiko Kusukawa.
Blackwell Dick : Counselling and psychotherapy with refugees / Dick Blackwell.
Blackwell Elizabeth M : Haustoria of Phytophthora infestans and some other spepcies.
Blackwell Francis Active 1605 : Certayne questions : concerning 1. Silk, or vvool, in the high priests ephod. 2. Idol temples, commonly called churches. 3. The forme of prayer, commonly called the Lords prayer. 4. Excommunication, &c. Handled betvveen Mr Hugh Broughton remayning of late at Amsterdam in the Low contreyes. and Mr Henry Ainsvvorth teacher of the exiled English Church at Amsterdam aforesayd.
Blackwell George E : The Anglo-Karen dictionary : based on the dictionary compiled by J. Wade and Mrs. J.P. Binney / revised and abridged by Geo. E. Blackwell ; assisted by several Karen writers.
Blackwell John 1955 : A scientific approach to scientific writing / John Blackwell, Jan Martin.
Blackwell John 1956 : Mastering optics : an applications guide to optical engineering / John Blackwell and Shane Thornton.
Blackwell John Active 1665 : The case of Capt. John Blackvvell, concerning several matters objected against him
Blackwell John Active 1695 : An essay towards carrying on the present war against France and other publick occasions : as also for paying off all debts contracted in the same, or otherwise : and new-coyning of all our moneys, without charge to the great encrease of the honour, strength and wealth of the nation : humbly propos'd, for the Parliament's consideration and submitted to their great wisdom and love to their country, etc. / by John Blackwell ...
Blackwell John Captain : A more exact relation of the great defeat given to Gorings army in the west; by the victorious Sr. Thomas Fairfax. / Sent in a letter from Captain Blackwell, to his father in London. Published according to order.