Blanchard I S W : The duchy of Lancaster's estates in Derbyshire, 1485-1540 / edd. by I.S.W. Blanchard.
Blanchard Ian : Labour and leisure in historical perspective, thirteenth to twentieth centuries : papers presented at Session B-3a of the Eleventh International Economic History Congress, Milan, 12th-17th September 1994 / edited by Ian Blanchard.
Blanchard Jim : Leadership and administration of outdoor pursuits / by Jim Blanchard, Michael Strong, Phyllis Ford.
Blanchard Louie : The lumberjack frontier : the life of a logger in the early days on the Chippeway / retold from the recollections of Louie Blanchard by W.D. Wyman with the assistance of L. Prentice.
Blanchard Pascal : Colonial culture in France since the revolution / edited by Pascal Blanchard, Sandrine Lemaire, Nicolas Bancel, and Dominic Thomas ; translated by Alexis Pernsteiner.
Blanchard Philippe : Stochastics, algebra and analysis in classical and quantum dynamics : proceedings of the IVth French-German Encounter on Mathematics and Physics, CIRM, Marseille, France, February/March 1988 / edited by S. Albeverio, Ph. Blanchard, and D. Testard.
Blanche Marie : Princess Caprice / adapted from Du Liba [sic, i.e. lieber] Augustin by Rudolph Bernauer and Ernst Welisch ; the English version by Alex M. Thompson ; lyrics by A. Scott Craven, Harry Beswick and Percy Greenbank ; music by Leo Fall ; the play produced by Robert Courtneidge.
Blanchet Emile Robert : La crevette et l'anemone / texte francais de E. R. Blanchet.
Blanchet M Th : La naissance de l'etat associe du Viet-nam.
Blanchet Philippe : Les langues régionales de France : un état des lieux à la veille du XXIe siècle = The regional languages of France : an inventory on the eve of the XXIst century : actes d'un colloque organisé à / papers of a conference held at "the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA" / réunis par / edited by Philippe Blanchet, Roland Breton & Harold Schiffman.