Bland Roger Roger Farrant : Iron age and Roman coin hoards in Britain / Roger Bland, Adrian Chadwick, Eleanor Ghey, Colin Haselgrove, David J. Mattingly, Adam Rogers and Jeremy Taylor.
Bland Rosemary : Developing services for older people and their families / edited by Rosemary Bland.
Blandford Roger D : Modern classical physics : optics, fluids, plasmas, elasticity, relativity, and statistical physics / Kip S. Thorne and Roger D. Blandford.
Blandford W F H : Musical instruments : their history in western culture from the Stone Age to the present day / translated by Bernard Miall ; edited by W.F.H. Blandford.
Blanding Cornell Butler : A selective, annotated and critical bibliography of the history of the French language : a thesis presented to... Cornell University.
Blaney Jonathan : Doing digital history : a beginner's guide to working with text as data / Jonathan Blaney, Sarah Milligan, Marty Steer and Jane Winters.
Blank Blank Shop Stewards Committee : Our case at Blank-Blank Ltd. on the women's wage question / issued by A. McElroy, convenor of Blank-Blank Shop Stewards' Committee.
Blank Brian E 1953 : Calculus : single & multivariable / Brian E. Blank, Steven G. Krantz.