British Society For Photobiology : Molecular biology of DNA repair : proceedings of the joint meeting of the DNA Repair Information Network and the British Society for Photobiology, Manchester, April 1986 / organized and edited by A. Collins, R.T. Johnson and J.M. Boyle.
British Society Of Plant Pathology : Pests, pathogens and plant communities / edited for the British Society of Plant Pathology by J.J. Burdon and S.R. Leather.
British Sociological Association Race Relations Group : Plural society theory and race relations in the West Indies : a brief introduction. Rev. draft of a paper delivered to the Race Relations Group of the British Sociological Association, Jan. 3, 1970.
British Solomon Islands Census 1970 : Report on the census of the population,1970 / by K.Groenewegen, with an introduction and administrative report by D.C.Horton.
British South Africa Company : Men who made Rhodesia : a register of those who served in the British South Afirca Company's police.
British Telecommunications Plc : Serving telecommunications customers : British Telecommunications plc's response to the Government's consultative document : "Competition and choice - telecommunications policy for the 1990s".