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C D   9
C D Charles Darby 1709   4
C D Mr : Pecuniæ obediunt omnia = Money masters all things, or, Satyrical poems, shewing the power and influence of money over all men, of what profession or trade soever they be : to which are added, A Lenten litany, by Mr. C____d, A satyr on Mr. Dryden, and several other modern translators : also A satyr on women in general : together with Mr. Oldham's Character of a certain ugly old p----  1698 1
C D R   4
C E : A letter to the Lord General Monck in answer to His Excellencies letter unto the gentry of Devon : which also relates to the secluded members, grievances of the citizens of London, Sir George Booth, and nations in generall.  1660 1
  C E R C R I D -- See Université de Saint-Etienne. Centre d'études et de recherches critiques sur le droit
C F   5
C G   3
C G Boerner Firm   5
C G Charles Gerbier   5
C G Gent : The minte of deformities  1600 1
C G Jung Foundation For Analytical Psychology : C.G. Jung and the humanities : toward a hermeneutics of culture / edited by Karin Barnaby and Pellegrino D'Acierno.  2017 1
C G Jung Institut Zurich : Die Graalslegende in psychologischer sicht; mit siebzehn Tafeln / by E. Jung, M.L. von Franz.  1960 1
C H   14
C H Active 17th Century : The birds noats on May day last : wherein many prety [sic] passages was discovered about London in the fields between young men and maids, lovers and their sweethearts, lords and ladys, men and their mistresses.  1655 1
C I   3
C J Eye Witnesse Of Them   2
  C J Utting Firm -- See Clifford J. Utting (Firm)
C K   2
C K Unfeigned And Hearty Lover Of England   2
C M Active 1596   2
C M D M   2
C Mr : Bristol drollery : poems and songs / by Mr. C.  1674 1
C N   3
C N Active 1595 : Our Ladie hath a new sonne  1595 1
C N Christopher Newstead : An apology for vvomen: or, Womens defence. Pend by C.N. late of Albane Hall in Oxon  1620 1
C P   3
C P Active 1616 : Two briefe treatises : The one containing matter of perswasion and expostulation concerning catechisme with certaine positions of like consideration. The other, touching peace betweene the minister and his people: as likewise the lawfulnesse, and dutie of the ministers presenting (if need require) outward disobedience vnto his ministerie.  1616 1
  C P S U -- 2 Related Authors   2
C R : A - Case of Bryan v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 22 November 1995 : B - Case of S.W. v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 22 November 1995 : C - Case of C.R. v. the United Kingdom : judgment of 22 November 1995.  1996 1
C R Active 1569   2
C S : Menippeus rusticus : a satyrical epistle / from C.S. in the country to his friend in the city.  1698 1
C S Active 1590 : A briefe resolution of a right religion : Touching the controuersies, that are nowe in England. Written by C.S.  1590 1
C S G Active 19th Century : The mixed chalice : Illegal in 1871: obligatory in 1877.  1877? 1
  C S Stapel Claes -- See Stapel, Claes
C Sarah Jane : Some account of the character and happy death of Sarah Jane C.  1821 1
C T   2
C T Active 17th Century : An aduice hovv to plant tobacco in England : and how to bring it to colour and perfection, to whom it may be profitable, and to whom harmfull. The vertues of the hearbe in generall, as well in the outward application as taken in fume. With the danger of the Spanish tobacco. Written by C.T.  1615 1
C T B Mcgraw Hill Conference On Ordinal Scales Of Cognitive Development Mon : Measurement and Piaget : proceedings of the C.T.B./McGraw-Hill Conference / edited by D.R. Green, M.P. Ford and G.B. Flamer.  1971 1
C T H : A descriptive tour in Scotland.  1840 1
  C T I S S -- See Computers in Teaching Initiative Support Service
C U Charles Usher 1674 Or 5 : A letter to a member of the convocation of the University of Oxford : containing the case of a late fellow elect of University-College in that University.  1699 1
C V : The monk unvail'd: or, A facetious dialogue, discovering the several intrigues, and subtil practises, together with the lewd and scandalous lives of monks, fryers, and other pretended religious votaries of the Church of Rome. Written by an eminent Papist in French. Faithfully translated by C.V. Gent.  1678 1
C V P : These are to give notice, for the publick good, that there is lately come to the city of London, one Mr. C.V.P. a Dutchman, : who has very good skill in helping all who has very good skill in helping all such whose members of their bodies are out of shape or order ...  1700 1
C W   6
C W Active 1623   2
C W Active 1624 : The crying murther : Contayning the cruell and most horrible bu[tchery] of Mr. Trat, curate of old Cleaue; who was first mu[rthered] as he trauailed vpon the high way, then was brought home to hi[s house] and there was quartered and imboweld: his quarters and bowels b[eing af]terwards perboyled and salted vp, in a most strange and fearefull manner. For thi[s] the iudgement of my Lord chiefe Baron Tanfield, young Peter Smethwi[cke, An]drew Baker, Cyrill Austen, and Alice Walker, were executed this last sum[mer] Assizes, the 24. of July, at Stone Gallowes, neere Taunton in Summerset-shire.  1624 1
Ca Da Mosto Alvise 1432 1488 : The voyages of Cadamosto and other documents on Western Africa in the second half of the fifteenth century / translated and edited by G.R. Crone.  1937 1
Caan James 1940   2
Cab International   3
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