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Cadbury Brothers : Education in industry : a survey of schemes for the recuitment, training, and further education of the employees of Cadbury Brothers Ltd.  1939 1
Cadbury Brothers Limited   3
Cadbury Brothers Ltd   5
Cadbury D A : A computer-mapped flora : a study of the county of Warwickshire / by D.A. Cadbury, J.G. Hawkes and R.C. Readett with a section on bryophytes by T. Laflin.  1971 1
Cadbury Deborah : The feminization of nature : our future at risk.  1997 1
Cadbury Edward   2
Cadbury Elizabeth Mary : Elizabeth Cadbury, 1858-1951.  1955 1
Cadbury George   3
Cadbury George W : Democratic planning : a symposium / J.C. Weldon, G.C. Cadbury, M.K. Oliver.  1962 1
Cadbury Henry J Henry Joel 1883 1974   11
Cadbury Jocelyn : British Gas.  1980 1
Cadbury Justine : Hearing the children / edited by the Lord Justice Thorpe and Justine Cadbury ; with a foreword by Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss.  2004 1
Cadbury M Christabel : The story of Robert Barclay, told for children.  1926 1
Cadbury Paul S : The Chapmans Hill School Form experiment.  1974 1
Cadbury Warder H : Adventures in the Wilderness / edited by William K. Verner with introduction and notes by Warder H. Cadbury.  1970 1
Cadbury William Edward : Varieties of form in the novels of Anthony Trollope.  1968 1
Caddel Richard 1949   3
Caddell Peter   3
Caddell Robert M : Metal forming : mechanics and metallurgy.  1983 1
Cadden Joan 1944   2
Cadden Michael   2
Caddies Kelvin : Kevin Costner : Prince of Hollywood / Kelvin Caddies.  1996 1
Caddle Diane : Imprisoned women and mothers / by Diane Caddle and Debbie Crisp.  1997 1
Caddow Pam : Applied microbiology / edited by Pam Caddow.  1989 1
Caddy Corinne Daniela : Shugborough : the complete working historic estate.  2008 1
Caddy Davinia 1980 : The Ballets russes and beyond : music and dance in belle-époque Paris / Davinia Caddy.  2012 1
Caddy John F   3
Caddy William : To the supream authority, the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. The humble petition of William Caddy of Taunton, and Nicholas Ward of Chard, in the county of Somerset.  1654 1
Cade Anthony 1564 1641   6
Cade Brian : A brief guide to brief therapy / Brian Cade, William Hudson O'Hanlon.  1993 1
Cade Jack : The rebellion of Jack Cade, 1450.  1950 1
Cade John : The true light owned and vindicated, and the believers in it defended and blasphemy and blasphemers justly detected  1699 1
Cade John 1645 : The last speeches and confession of Captain Iohn Cade and John Mils Constable: : who were hanged at VVeymouth, for endeavouring to betray that garrison to the enemie, with all the severall examinations of the plotters, and the sentences denounced against them and others of the said conspiracie. By W. Sydenham, Col. Governour of Waymouth, and Captain VVilliam Batten, Vize-Admirall of the Navie, and the rest of the Counsell of War at Waymouth. With a copie of Sir Lewis Dives letter to Colonell Sydenham about the same, and Colonell Sydenham his answere.  1645 1
Cade William 1651 Or 2 1707 : The foundation of popery shaken, or, The Bishop of Rome's supremacy opposed : in a sermon upon Matth. XVI. 18, 19 / by William Cade.  1678 1
Cadelina Rowe V : Faces of Philippine poverty : four cases from the Visayas / R.G. Abad, R.V. Cadelina and V. Lopez-Gonzaga editors.  1986 1
Cadell And Davies Publishers : The publishing firm of Cadell & Davis.  1938 1
Cadell Patrick : For the encouragement of learning : Scotland's national library, 1689-1989 / edited by Patrick Cadell and Ann Matheson.  1989 1
Cadell Simon : Widowers' houses / Bernard Shaw.  1976 1
Cadell Thomas 1742 1802   3
Cademan Thomas Sir 1590 1651   5
Cademartiri Ludovico : Nanochemistry : a chemical approach to nanomaterials / Geoffrey A. Ozin, André C. Arsenault and Ludovico Cademartiri.  2008 1
Cadena Jose Maria : Juan Gris, seleccion de dibujos por J. Perucho / notes : J.M. Cadena.  1969 1
Cadena Marisol De La : Earth beings : ecologies of practice across Andean worlds / Marisol de la Cadena ; foreword by Robert J. Foster and Daniel R. Reichman.  2015 1
Cadena Richard : Automated lighting : the art and science of moving light in theatre, live performance, broadcast, and entertainment / Richard Cadena.  2006 1
Cadenas Y Vicent Vicente : Doble coronacion de Carlos V en Bologna, 22-24/II/1530.  1985 1
Cadenas Y Vicent Vicente De : Diario del Emperador Carlos V : (itinerarios, permanencias, despachos, sucesos y efemerides relevantes de su vida) / introd. de V. de Cadenas y Vicent.  1992 1
Cadenhead D A : Progress in surface and membrane science.  1972 1
Cadenhead Rogers : Sams teach yourself Java 2 in 24 hours.  1999 1
Cadet Felix : Port Royal education : Saint-Cyran; Arnauld; Lancelot; Nicole; De Saci; Guyot; Constel; Fontaine; Jacqueline Parcel. Extracts, with an introduction by Felix Cadet.  1898 1
Cadet Jean Robert 1955 : Restavec : from Haitian slave child to middle-class American / Jean-Robert Cadet.  c1998 1
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