Cammann Schuyler V R Schuyler Van Rensselaer : China and the West : culture and commerce : papers read at a Clark Library Seminar, December 13, 1975 / by Richard C. Rudolph, Schuyler Van Rensselaer Cammann.
Cammarata Joan : Mythological themes in the works of Garcilaso de la Vega.
Cammarota Julio : Revolutionizing education [electronic resource] : youth participatory action research in motion / edited by Julio Cammarota and Michelle Fine.
Camoin Francois Andre : The revence [sic, i.e. revenge] convention in Tourneur, Webster, and Middleton : thesis presented to the University of Massachusetts 1967.
Camoin G F : Reefs and carbonate platforms in the Pacific and Indian oceans / edited by G.F. Camoin and P.J. Davies.
Camp Ronnie W : Analytical methods in fine particle technology / authors, Paul A. Webb, Clyde Orr ; contributors, Ronnie W. Camp, James P. Olivier, Y. Simon Yunes.
Camp Scott T : Functional implications of size reduction in molar dentition during human evolution : using 3D printed models / Scott T. Camp.
Camp Wendell Holmes : International rules of botanical nomenclature : formulated by the International Botanical Congresses of Vienna, 1905, Brussels, 1910 and Cambridge, 1930 / adopted and revised by the International Botanical Congress of Amsterdam, 1935 ; compiled from various sources by W. H. Camp, H. W. Rickett and C. A. Weatherby.
Camp William : The glittering prizes : a biographical study of F.E. Smith.
Campa Henry : Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity.
Campa Odoardo : La mente di G.D. Romagnosi / a cura di O. Campo ..., 1. ristampa.
Campaign Against Racism In The Media Organization : It ain't half racist, mum : fighting racism in the media / edited by Phil Cohen and Carl Gardner with assistance from Geoff Sheridan, Tony Freeth, and Mike Flood-Page.