Churchill Winston Sir 1620 1688 : Divi Britannici : being a remark upon the lives of all the kings of this isle from the year of the world 2855, unto the year of grace 1660 / by Sir Winston Churchill, Kt.
Churchman Bartholomew : An answere to the Hollanders declaration, concerning the occurrents of the East-India. The first part. Written by certaine marriners, lately returned from thence into England
Churchman Robert : Simplified texts : a consideration in respect of children with moderate learning difficulties.
Churchouse Chris : Managing projects / Chris and Jane Churchouse.
Churchouse Jane : Managing projects / Chris and Jane Churchouse.
Churchson John : A brefe treatyse declaryng what and where the churche is, that it is knowen, and whereby it is tryed and knowen. Made by Iohn Churchson
Churchward J G : The initiation of infection by bunt of wheat (Tilletia caries).
Churgin Michael J : Toward a just and effective sentencing system : agenda for legislative reform / by P. O'Donnell, M.J. Churgin and D.E. Curtis.
Churkovich Marion : Understanding librarians : communication is the issue / Barbara Hull ; with contributions from Marion Churkovich, Christine Oughtred and Denise Turner.
Churms Shirley C : CRC handbook of chromatography : carbohydrates / editor S.C. Churms ...
Churton R : An olde thrift nevvly reuiued : VVherein is declared the manner of planting, preserving, and husbanding yong trees of diuers kindes for timber and fuell. And of sowing acornes, chesnuts, beech-mast, the seedes of elmes, ashen-keyes, &c. With the commodities and discommodities of inclosing decayed forrests, commons, and waste grounds. And also the vse of a small portable instrument for measuring of board, and the solid content and height of any tree standing. Discoursed in a dialogue betweene a surueyour, woodward, gentleman, and a farmer. Diuided into foure parts, by R.C.
Churton Ralph : The life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's, chiefly compiled from registers, letters and other authentic evidences.
Chutima Jantateero : The traffic in women : human realities of the international sex trade / Siriporn Skrobanek, Nataya Boonpakdee, Chutima Jantateero.
Chutiwongs Nandana : Indonesian bronzes in the Domela-Nieuwenhuis collection.
Chuto Kyoryoku Senta : The Arab Gulf States and Japan : prospects for co-operation : proceedings of a joint symposium on the energy industries ... co-sponsored by the Petroleum Information Committee of the Arab Gulf States and the Japan Co-operation Centre for the Middle East, and held in Tokyo, 6-7 December 1984.
Chuva Marcia : Os arquitetos da memória : sociogênese das práticas de preservação do patrimônio cultural no Brasil (anos 1930-1940) / Márcia Regina Romeiro Chuva.
Chuvakin Anton : Security warrior / Cyrus Peikari and Anton Chuvakin.