Clarke Nicholas : Homelessness and healthcare : a training pack.
Clarke Nicholas Active 17th Century : A Great conspiracy by the papists in the kingdome of Ireland : discovered by the lords, justices and counsell at Dvblin and proclaimed there Octob. 23, 1641 : vvhich proclamation was sent to the Parliament here in England, and read before the Lords and Commons in Parliament on Munday Novemb. 1, 1641 : vvhereunto is annexed the copy of a letter written with the kings owne hand, and sent to Mr. Nicholas, Clarke of the counsell from Edenbvrgh Octob. 18, 1641.
Clarke Nickolls And Coombs Limited : Profit-sharing in practice : a brief outline of the profit-sharing schemes of Clarke, Nickolls and Coombs Ltd.{Clarnico] and Benham & Sons Ltd.
Clarke Of Bodnam : A Very godly song intituled, The earnest petition of a faithfull Christian, being clarke of Bodnam, made vpon his death bed, at the instant of his transmutation : to a pleasant new tune.
Clarke Peter Writer On Mediaeval Christianity : The church, the afterlife and the fate of the soul : papers read at the 2007 summer meeting and the 2008 winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society / edited by Peter Clarke & Tony Claydon.
Clarke Philip Rgn : Brigden's operating department practice / edited by Philip Clarke, Josephine Jones.
Clarke Pixley : By private arrangement : inspection of arrangements for supervising children in private foster care.
Clarke R M : The development and management of a new town : paper delivered at the annual conference of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries / chairman Sir D Muir.
Clarke R O : Workers' participation in management in Britain.
Clarke R W : Conservation of iron : ... the proceedings of a symposium held at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich on July 4th 1980 ... / edited by R.W. Clarke and S.M. Blackshaw.