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1 Communist International    
      All Power To The Workers : Four Speeches Delivered At The 10th Congress, Russian Communist Party (Bo BJL; JK 6590 A4   BOOK 1921?
      At The Parting Of The Ways : The Results Of The Ninth Plenum Of The Comintern. BJL; HX 11 I7 B8   BOOK 1928
      Biographical Dictionary Of The Comintern. BJL; HX 11 I7 L4   BOOK 1973
      The Bolsheviks And The World War : The Origin Of The Third International BJL; HX 11 I7 G1   BOOK 1940
46 additional entries    
2 Communist International Executive Committee    
      The Communist International Answers The I.L.P. : A Reprint Of A Famous Document. BJL; HX 246 I6   BOOK 1932
      Lenin On The I.L.P. BJL; JK 1129 I3 L5   BOOK 1933?
      Moscow's Reply To The I.L.P. : The Reply Of The E.C. Of The Communist International To The Questions BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1920
      Revolutionary Unity : Answers By Leading Members Of The Communist International To Questions Raised BJL; HX 246 I6   BOOK 1934
      Why Hitler In German? The Report Of Fritz Heckert. BJL; HX 263 H4   BOOK  
3 Communist International Executive Committee Enlarged Presidium : The new phase in the Soviet Union.     
      The New Phase In The Soviet Union. BJL; DK 267.3 M7   BOOK 1930
4 Communist International Executive Committee Plenum : The world crisis and the international class struggle.     
      The World Crisis And The International Class Struggle. BJL; HX 11 I7 W9   BOOK 1931
5 Communist International Executive Committee Plenum 11th 1931 : Notification re the XI. Plenum of the Communist International.     
      Notification Re The XI. Plenum Of The Communist International. BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1931?
6 Communist International Executive Committee Plenum 12th 1932    
      The U.S.S.R. And The World Proletariat. BJL; HX 11 I7 M2   BOOK 1933
      The War In The Far East And The Tasks Of The Communists In The Struggle Against Imperialist War And BJL; DS 783.8 04   BOOK 1932
      The Work Of The Communist Parties Of France And Germany And The Tasks Of The Communists In The Trade BJL; JK 3007 C7 P5   BOOK 1932?
7 Communist International Executive Committee Plenum 13th 1933    
      Fashizm, Sotsial-Demokratiia I Kommunisty : Rech' Na XIII Plenume IKKI 6 Dekabria 1933 G. BJL; HX 40 K7   BOOK 1934
      Revoliutsionnaia Bor'ba Trudiashchikhsia Mass Iaponii : Rech' Na XIII Plenume IKKI. BJL; HX 432 O4   BOOK 1934
      Revoliutsionnyi Krizis, Fashizm I Voina : Rech' Na III Plenume IKKI 5 Dekabria 1933 G. BJL; HX 40 M2   BOOK 1934
      Towards Soviet Power : A Report On The 13th Plenum. BJL; HX 11 I7   BOOK 1933
8 Communist International Executive Council Plenum 13th 1933 : Revolutionary China today.     
      Revolutionary China Today. BJL; DS 777.47 M6   BOOK 1934
9 Communist International World Congress 2nd 1920    
      The Capitalist World And The Communist International : Manifesto Of The II Congress Of The III Commu BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1920
      The Role Of The Communist Party In The Proletarian Revolution : The Historic Thesis Of The 2nd Congr BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1934
      The Second Congress Of The Communist International. BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1921
      Theses And Statutes Of The Third International. BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1920
      Theses Of The Communist International (Complete), As Adopted By The Second Congress Held In Moscow, BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1920
10 Communist International World Congress 3rd 1921 Moscow : Theses et resolutions adoptees au IIIeme Congres de l'Internationale communiste.     
      Theses Et Resolutions Adoptees Au IIIeme Congres De L'Internationale Communiste. BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1921
11 Communist International World Congress 3rd Moscow 1921    
      The International Situation : A Study Of Capitalism In Collapse. BJL; HC 57 T8   BOOK 1921
      Thesen Und Resolutionen Des III. Welt-Kongresses Der Kommunistischen Internationale. BJL; HX 11 I7 I6   BOOK 1921
12 Communist International World Congress 7 1935 : Youth and the struggle against fascism and war.     
      Youth And The Struggle Against Fascism And War. BJL; HX 13 I6 K9   BOOK 1935
13 Communist International World Congress 7th 1935    
      Engels In The Struggle For Revolutionary Marxism. BJL; HX 13 I6 M2   BOOK 1935
      The Fight Against War And Fascism. BJL; HX 13 I6 T6   BOOK 193-
      Full Text Of The Resolutions Adopted At The Seventh Congress. BJL; HX 13 I6 I6   BOOK 1935
      The Present Rulers Of The Capitalist Countries Are But Temporary. BJL; HX 13 I6 D5   BOOK 1935
7 additional entries    
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