Cook Henry 1642 1700 : A catalogue of the library of Mr. Henry Cook, painter, deceased : which will be sold by auction at his late dwelling house in Bloomsbury-Square, near King-Street in Bloomsbury, on Monday, the 30th instant, at three afternoon / by John Bullord.
Cook Hera : The long sexual revolution : English women, sex, and contraception, 1800-1975.
Cook Huestis P Huestis Pratt 1868 1951 : Shadows in silver : a record of Virginia, 1850-1900 in contemporary photographs taken by George and Huestis Cook, with additions from the Cook collection / by A. Lawrence Kocher and Howard Dearstyne.
Cook Ian G : Fragmented Asia : regional integration and national disintegration in Pacific Asia / edited by Ian G. Cook, Marcus A. Doel, Rex Li.
Cook James 1571 Or 2 1611 : Iuridica trium quæstionum ad Maiestatem pertinentium determinatio : in quarum prima et ultima processus iudicialis contra H. Garnetum institutus, ex iure civili & canonico defenditur: in secunda suprema et vniversalis principum potestas explicatur, & ex eisdem principijs succinctè asseritur; opposita praecipue epistolae cuidam dedicatoriæ ad clarissimum virum. D.E.C. militem, advocatum fiscalem generalem à Catholico, (vt ipse subscribit,) theologo conscriptæ; habita Oxonia in vesperijs comitiorum anno Domini 1608. à Jacobo Cooke novi Collegij socio inceptore in iure civili.
Cook James Edward : Semiotic and significs : the correspondence between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby / edited by Charles S. Hardwick, with the assistance of James Cook..
Cook Kevin : Dubbel Dutch : a practical guide for foreign students of Dutch, with numerous examples and comparisons = praktische handleiding voor anderstaligen die Nederlands leren, met vele voorbeelden en vergelijkingen.
Cook Kimberly J 1961 : Life after death row : exonerees' search for community and identity / Saundra D. Westervelt, Kimberly J. Cook.
Cook L : Redundancy, re-employment and the tyre industry.