Cornwall John 1662 1724 : A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge, at St. Mary's church, on Sunday the 18th of May, 1701. / By John Cornwall ...
Cornwall John Senior Lecturer : Leading on inclusion : dilemmas, debates and new perspectives / edited by John Cornwall and Lynne Graham-Matheson.
Cornwallis R K : Conservation in the Humberside area : [proceedings of a] conference held at the University of Hull on April 14th & 15th, 1967 / editors: D.J. Boatman, R.K. Cornwallis ; [organised by the East Yorkshire Conservation Committee].
Cornwell J : An Orally presented group test of intelligence for juniors.
Cornwell J D : Geology of the country around Stratford-upon-Avon and Evesham / by B.J. Williams and A. Whittaker, with contributions by J.D. Cornwell and others.
Cornwell Laura : Dealing with uncertainty : linking the "precautionary" and "polluter pays" principles for improved environmental science and management / by Robert Costanza and Laura Cornwell.