Craddock J M And Lowndes C A S : A synoptic study of anomalies of surface air temperature over the Atlantic half of the Northern Hemisphere / by J. M. Craddock and C.A.S. Lowndes.
Craddock Jerry Russell : Latin legacy versus substratum residue : the unstressed "derivational" suffixes in the romance vernaculars of the western Mediterranean.
Craddock T : Rousseau, as described by himself and others.
Craddock Tony : The paytech book : the payment technology handbook for investors, entrepreneurs and fintech visionaries / edited by Susanne Chishti, Tony Craddock, Robert Courtneidge, Markos Zachariadis.
Cradock Edward : The shippe of assured safetie : wherein wee may sayle without danger towards the land of the liuing, promised to the true Israelites: conteyning in foure bokes, a discourse of Gods prouidence, a matier very agreable for this time, vvherof no commo[n]ly knovven especiall treatise hath bene published before in our mother tong. What great varietie of very necessarie and fruitfull matier is comprysed in this worke, conuenient for all sortes of men, by the table of the chapters follovving after the præface, ye may perceyue. Compyled by Edward Cradocke, doctor and reader of diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Oxford.
Cradock Nathaniel 1594 Or 5 : An Answer in just vindication of some religious and worthy gentlemen of Pembrokeshire against a scandalous pamphlet published in print by one Iohn Poyer, late mayor of Pembroke / set forth by such as have been eye-witnesses of of [sic] the affaires of that county, from the beginning of these unnaturall warres, who love truth and justice, hate oppression and falsehood ; as also the petition of Mr. Nathaniel Cradock, a very godly preacher to the honourable committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning plundered ministers, of intolerable abuses done him by the said John Poyer, with several orders, certificates, and letters concerning that businesse.
Cradock Peter : Papers of the Treatie, at a great meeting of the generall officers of the Army, at the head-quarters at Putney, : in behalf of the whole kingdome of England, and concerning the Kings most excellent Majesty. With the severall speeches at the Councell-table, and His Majesties resolution concerning the Protestant profession, and liberty of conscience.
Craesbeck Paulo : Commentaries of Ruy Freyre de Andrada : in which are related his exploits from the year 1619, in which he left this kingdom of Portugal as general of the sea of Ormuz, and coast of Persia, and Arabia, until his death / edited with an introduction by C. R. Boxer.
Crafer R C : Laser processing in manufacturing / edited by R.C. Crafer and P.J. Oakley.
Crafford John : A new and most exact account of the fertiles [sic] and famous colony of Carolina (on the continent of America) : whose latitude is from 26 deg. of North latitude, to 29 deg. Together with a maritine [sic] account of its rivers, barrs, soundings and harbours; also of the natives, their religion, traffick and commodities. Likewise the advantages accrewing to all adventurers by the customs of the countrey; being the most healthful and fertile of His Majesties territories on the said continent of America. As also an account of the islands of Bermudas, the harbours, situation, people, commodities, &c. belonging to the said islands; the whole being a compendious account of a voyage made (by an ingenious person) for a full discovery of the above-said places. Begun in October 82, and finished this present year, 1683.
Craford Thomas : The copy of a letter sent (by me Thomas Craford) to the lord ambassadour of Amsterdam, now resident in England. : In this letter I repeat unto him, 1. How unjustly, wickedly & tyrannically the magistrates of Amsterdam did deal by me ... Secondly I require restitution and satisfaction for my goods they took from me by violence ... and lastly, I declare ... how ungrateful the Hollanders have been unto us, devouring us like a moth in former times; but now since our warres and troubles, they have plaid their parts like lions.
Craft Clifford J : Management games / by J.M. Kibbee, C.J. Craft and B. Nanus.
Craft J L 1947 : Wittgenstein : conversations, 1949-1951...
Craft Jesse L : Applied geomorphology : ... proceedings ... of the 11th ... Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, held at Kent State University, Ohio, Oct. 2-5, 1980 / edited by R.G. Craig [and] J.L. Craft.