Disneyland Calif : The story and song from The Haunted Mansion [sound recording].
Dison Jack E : Are prisons any better? : twenty years of correctional reform / John W. Murphy, Jack E. Dison, editors.
Dispensary Society London England : Proposals by the Dispensary-Society, for supplying the nobility, gentry and other reputable persons or families, with all sorts of medicines required in time of sickness, at the rate of two shillings by the quarter to each subscriber..
Distad L M : Attitudes towards crime and punishment in Upper Canada, 1830-1850 : a documentary study / J.M. Beattie with the assistance of L.M. Distad.
Distal Musician : Future Bass [sound recording] : Soul Jazz Records.
Distante Carmelo : Giovanni Pascoli : poeta inquieto tra 800 e 900.
Distefano Joseph J : Schaum's outline of theory and problems of feedback and control systems / Joseph J. Distefano, Allen R. Stubberud, Ivan J. Williams.
Distefano Philip : The writing process : prewriting, writing, revising / R.J. Marzano, P. DiStefano.
Distillers Chemicals And Plastics Limited : Forecasting, planning and stock-holding of ester production at Distillers Chemicals and Plastics Limited, Industrial Solvents Division, Saltend, near Hull.
Distributed Computing Systems 18th 1998 Amsterdam : 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems May 26-29, 1998 Amsterdam, The Netherlands : proceedings / edited by M.P. Papazoglou ... [et al.].
District Six Museum Foundation : Recalling community in Cape Town : creating and curating the District Six Museum / edited by Ciraj Rassool and Sandra Prosalendis for the District Six Museum Foundation.
Ditchfield Edward : Considerations touching the nevv contract for tobacco, as the same hath beene propounded by Maister Ditchfield, and other vndertakers
Dithmer Monna : Of another world : dancing between dream and reality : festschrift presented to Professor Emer. Erik Aschengreen, edited by Monna Dithmer.