England And Wales Royal Navy Navy Board : The clerk of the rope-yard's weekly return, pursuant to the method and establishment made by the Navy-Board the 28th of March 1688..
England And Wales Royal Navy Victualling Office : An impartial relation of John Kelly's services in the Victualling-Office : With an account of the great abuses he has met with from his opposers. Likewise his necessary vindication occasioned by their report to the Lords of the Admiralty.
England And Wales Sovereign 1603 1624 James I : A briefe declaration of the reasons that moved King James of blessed memory, and the state, to erect a colledge of divines, and other learned men at Chelsey. : Together with a copy of His Majesties letters in favouring the same. And an addition of some motives forcible to excite good Christians zeale to a voluntary and liberall contribution.
England And Wales Sovereign 1623 1649 Charles I : Nineteen propositions made by both Houses of Parliament, to the Kings most excellent Majestie : vvith his Majesties answer thereunto. [Par.] By the King. Our expresse pleasure is, that this our answer be read and published throughout all churches and chapels of the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales, by the severall parsons, vicars, or curats of the same.
England And Wales Sovereign 1660 1685 Charles I : His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, concerning the treasonable conspiracy against his sacred person and government lately discovered. : Appointed to be read in all churches and chappels within this kingdom. By his Majesties special command.
England And Wales Sovereign 1661 1685 Charles Ii : By the King. A proclamation for the calling in all moneys of gold and silver coyned or stamped with the cross and harp, and the circumscription, the Commonwealth of England; and for making the same to be current onely to the first of December next, and no longer..
England And Wales Sovereign 1694 1694 William : The treaty betwixt the most Christian King, the King of Great Britain, and the States General of the United Provinces : for settling the succession of the crown of Spain, and the dominions thereunto belonging, in case his Catholick Majesty die without issue. In English and French.
England Court Of Common Pleas : Saturday the 25 of February, 1653. By the judges appointed by act of Parliament for relief of creditors and poor prisoners, sitting at Salters Hall, London..