Environment Law Conference 1990 Durham England : EC environment and planning law : based on a selection of papers given at the U.I.A. (EEC Section) Environment Law Conference, Durham 1990 / edited by David Vaughan.
Environmental Law Network International : Environmental agreements : the role and effect of environmental agreements in environmental policies / edited by ELNI the Environmental Law Network International.
Enwonwu Frederick Augustine Chike : In the wake of the American raid on Libya, was the former's response one of a reprisal against terrorism or one of self-defence?
Enyan Anak Usen : Iban art of Borneo : sexual selection and severed heads : weaving, sculpture, tattooing and other arts of the Iban of Borneo / Michael Heppell, Limbang Anak Melaka, Enyan Anak Usen.
Enzensberger Christian : Von Hopkins bis Dylan Thoas : englische Gedichte und deutsche Prosaubertragungen / herausgegeben und ubertragen von U. Clemen und C. Enzensberger.
Enzmann Dirk 1955 : A global perspective on young people as offenders and victims [electronic resource] : first results from the ISRD3 study / Dirk Enzmann [and five others].