Produced by Lawrence Bender. Written by Quentin Tarantino, based on the character of "The Bride", created by Q [i.e. Quentin Tarantino] and U [i.e. Uma Thurman]. Music by The RZA.
Includes: Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Daryl Hannah, David Carradine, Vivica A. Fox.
Originally issued 2003.
Other #
Z1B BED881273 Buena Vista Home Entertainment
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Produced by Lawrence Bender. Written by Quentin Tarantino, based on the character of "The Bride", created by Q [i.e. Quentin Tarantino] and U [i.e. Uma Thurman]. Music by The RZA.
Includes: Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Daryl Hannah, David Carradine, Vivica A. Fox.
Produced by Lawrence Bender. Written by Quentin Tarantino, based on the character of "The Bride", created by Q [i.e. Quentin Tarantino] and U [i.e. Uma Thurman]. Music by The RZA.
Includes: Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Daryl Hannah, David Carradine, Vivica A. Fox.