Gale Elizabeth : L'incoronazione di Poppea [videorecording] / music by Claudio Monterverdi, in a version by Raymond Leppard ; libretto by Giovanni Francesco Busenello.
Gale Emma : Jewellery making / Emma Gale and Ann Little.
Gale Jessica : Pupils transferring from primary schools to grammar schools or secondary modern : are there any differences in motivation, attitude or self concept?
Gale Julian D : Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics / John M. Seddon & Julian D. Gale.
Gale Ken Kenneth John : Discourse, power and resistance : challenging the rhetoric of contemporary education / edited by Jerome Satterthwaite, Elizabeth Atkinson and Ken Gale.
Gale Laura : Understanding community coaches' experiences of everyday coaching practice : a narrative-biographical study.
Gale Laurence : Education and development in Latin America, with special reference to Columbia and some comparison with Guyana, South America.
Gale Lee : TransBareAll : ten years, still here / edited by Michelle Green and Lee Gale.
Gale Nathaniel : The faithful testimony of High-Hall detected : and the examen, of the pretences and character of Mr. William Russel, &c. vindicated. Part I.
Gale R : Antonini Iter Britanniarum / commentariis illustratum Thomae Gale ... opus posthumum ; revisit, auxit, edidit R.G.. Accessit Anonymi Ravennatis Britanniae chorographia.
Gale Rowena : Plants in archaeology : identification manual of vegetative plant materials used in Europe and the southern Mediterranean to c. 1500 / Rowena Gale & David Cutler.
Gale Samuel 1682 1754 : The family memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley, M.D : and the antiquarian and other correspondence of William Stukeley, Roger & Samuel Gale, etc. / William Stukeley ... [et al.].