Gerard Jo : Mémoires d'outre-guerre : extraits : comment j'ai gouverné la Belgique de 1940 à 1944 / Alexander von Falkenhausen ; textes présentés par Jo Gérard.
Gerard Michel : Les cris de la sainte : corps et écriture dans la tradition latine et romane des Vies de saintes.
Gerard Pierre : A preparation to the most holie ministerie : wherein is set downe the true meanes to be well prepared to the same, by an exact description, and consideration, of the necessitie, excellencie, difficultie, and great profit therof; with the maruellous effects of the same: also a liuely exhortation to all youth, to giue themselues to the studie therof: and a confutation of the obiections which may be brought in any sort to touch the same: verie profitable and necessarie in these our times, ... Diuided into two bookes. Written in French by Peter Gerard, and translated into English by N.B.
Gerard Ralph Waldo : Information processing in the nervous system : proceedings of the ... Congress / editors, R.W. Gerard, J.W. Duyff.
Gerard Raymond : Equations differentielles et systems de Pfaff dans le champ complexe II/ edite par R. Gerard et J.P. Ramis.
Gerard Rene : L'orient et la pensee romantique allemande.