Gibbs Henry James 1844 1906 : The new code, 1876, of the Education Department : with notes, analysis, appendix, and index, and an introductory sketch of the administration of the grants for public elementary education. (1839-1876) / by Henry James Gibbs, and John William Edwards.
Gibbs Hubert Smith : Problems in international relations; contributors : H.L. Bretton ... and otherseditors : A Gyorgy and H.S. Gibbs.
Gibbs Hyatt M : Optical bistability III : proceedings of the Topical Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, December 2-4, 1985 / editors : H.M. Gibbs ... [et al.].
Gibbs James 1724 : A consolatory poem humbly addressed to Her Royal Highness : upon the much lamented death of His Most Illustrious Highness, William, Duke of Glocester / by Dr. Gibbs.
Gibbs James James Morel : Writing Africa in the short story / editor, Ernest N. Emenyonu ; assistant editor, Patricia T. Emenyonu ; associate editors Jane Bryce [and seven others] ; reviews editor, James Gibbs.
Gibbs James P : Problem-solving in conservation biology and wildlife management : exercises for class, field, and laboratory / James P. Gibbs, Malcolm L. Hunter, Jr., Eleanor J. Sterling.
Gibbs Janet Catherine : A longitudinal small-scale qualitative study of the perceptions and experiences of the practicum of a sample of pre-service secondary teachers on a one-year university course / Janet Catherine Gibbs.
Gibbs Nathaniel 1662 : A brief narrative of that stupendious [sic] tragedie late intended to be acted by the satanical saints of these reforming times : humbly presented to the king's most excellent majesty : also, an impartial account of the indictment, arraignment, tryal [sic], and condemnation of Thomas Tonge, George Phillips, Francis Stubbs, James Hind, John Sallers, and Nathaniel Gibbs, at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bailey, London, Decemb. 11, 1662 ; together with the confessions, speeches, and prayers of George Phillips, Thomas Tonge, Nathaniel Gibbs, Francis Stubbs, at the place of execution, on Munday, Decemb. 22, 1662. / exactly taken in short-hand characters, by the same person that wrote the late king's judges tryals.
Gibbs Norman E : Software engineering education : SEI Conference 1989, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, July 18-21, 1989 : proceedings / N.E. Gibbs, editor.