Gounaridou Kiki : Madame la mort : and other plays / Rachilde ; translated and edited by Kiki Gounaridou and Frazer Lively ; introduction by Frazer Lively.
Gounder Nirmala : Fiji fisheries bibliography / compiled by Robyn McDowell ; with contributions from Ganeshan Rao, Laxmi Kumar, Nirmala Gounder.
Gounelle Andre : L'Entretien de Pascal avec M.de Sacy : etude et Commentaire.
Gourevitch Peter Alexis : Political power and corporate control : the new global politics of corporate governance / Peter Alexis Gourevitch and James J. Shinn.
Gourlay Eileen : No, no, Nanette / [Vincent Youmans ; book by Otto Harbach and Frank Mandel ; lyrics by Irving Caesar and Otto Harbach] ; Lionel Blair's production.
Gourlay Stephen : Enterprise without unions : industrial relations in the non-union firm / Ian Mcloughlin and Stephen Gourlay.
Gourley Patricia : Teaching self-control in the classroom : a cognitive behavioural approach / by Patricia Gourley ; illustrated by Philippa Drakeford.