Gravely William B : Gilbert Haven, Methodist Abolitionist : a study in race, religion and reform, 1850-1880 / edited by the Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church.
Gravener Richard : A challenge from Richard Grauener, gentleman and souldier, scholler to Thomas Musgrove, & seruant to Robert Battell, prouis masters of the noble sience [sic] of defence, against Thomas Blunne, shoo-maker, and scholler to Thomas Turpin, master of the noble science of defence : this to be performed at the Red Bull in St. Iohnstreet, on Tuesday next, being the 20 of October, 1629, if God permit.
Graver Ruth L : Psychodynamic formulation / by Deborah L. Cabaniss ; and Sabrina Cherry, Carolyn J. Douglas, Ruth L. Graver, Anna R. Schwartz, Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry, New York, USA.
Graves Edward : A brief narrative and deduction of the several remarkable cases of Sir William Courten, and Sir Paul Pyndar, Knights, and William Courten late of London Esquire, deceased : their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, together with their surviving partners and adventurers with them to the East-Indies, China and Japan, and divers other parts of Asia, Europe, Africa and America : faithfully represented to both houses of Parliament.
Graves James 1815 1886 : A roll of the proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland : for a portion of the sixteenth year of the reign of Richard the Second, A.D. 1392-93 / edited by James Graves.
Graves Jason : Tomb raider [sound recording] : original soundtrack / composed by Jason Graves.
Graves Jennifer A Marshall : Sex chromosomes and sex-determining genes / edited by Ken C. Reed and Jennifer A. Marshall Graves.