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Corporate Author Great Britain. HM Factory Inspectorate.
Title Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and workshops/ Factory Inspectorate.
Related title Factories and Workshops.
Publication Info London : H.M.S.O.

 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1920  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1921  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1922/24  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1925  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1928/30  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1931/33  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1934/36  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1937/39  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1940/42  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1943/45  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Library Holdings Library has: 1920-1925, 1928-1950, 1968, 1971.
Gaps in holdings.
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Corporate Author Great Britain. HM Factory Inspectorate.
Subject Private industry -- Government control.
Corporate state -- Economics.
Alt author Great Britain. Home Office, Factory Department.
Related title Factories and Workshops.
Library Holdings Library has: 1920-1925, 1928-1950, 1968, 1971.
Gaps in holdings.
Corporate Author Great Britain. HM Factory Inspectorate.
Subject Private industry -- Government control.
Corporate state -- Economics.
Alt author Great Britain. Home Office, Factory Department.
Related title Factories and Workshops.
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1920  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1921  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1922/24  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1925  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1928/30  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1931/33  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1934/36  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1937/39  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1940/42  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  HD 3705 F1  1943/45  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Subject Private industry -- Government control.
Corporate state -- Economics.
Library Holdings Library has: 1920-1925, 1928-1950, 1968, 1971.
Gaps in holdings.
Alt author Great Britain. Home Office, Factory Department.

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