Griffiths Catherine Hilary : The training of part-time teachers in post-secondary education, industry, commerce, H.M. forces and the public service through the City and Guilds of London Institute Further Education Teachers' Certificate (Course 730) from 1976-82 in North Humberside.
Griffiths Charlie Guitarist : Popular music theory : the essential guide for rock & pop musicians. Debut to grade 5 / written, compiled & edited by Charlie Griffiths, Stephen Lawson, Simon Troup, Jennie Troup and Nik Preston.
Griffiths Chris : Mind maps for business : revolutionise your business thinkng and practice / Tony Buzan, with Chris Griffiths and James Harrison, consultant editor.
Griffiths Christopher : Rook's textbook of dermatology / edited by Christopher E. M. Griffiths [and four others].
Griffiths David F : The mathematical basis of finite element methods, with applications to partial differential equations : based on lectures at an expository conference organized by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and held at Imperial College, University of London, 5-7 January 1983 / edited by D.F. Griffiths.
Griffiths Geo : A vvarning-piece for the slumbring virgins: or An alarm to the friends of the bridegroom. : In some awakening meditations upon Christs own watch-word, Mat. 26. 41. / By Geo. Scortreth ...
Griffiths Geoff : Making it work : inspection of welfare to work for disabled people.
Griffiths Gordon : The humanism of Leonardo Bruni : selected texts / translations [from the Latin] and introductions by G. Griffiths, J. Hankins, D. Thompson.
Griffiths Gwyn : The Isis-book (Metamorphoses, book XI) / edited with an introduction, translation and commentary by J.G. Griffiths.