Hanratty Catherine : LISU annual library statistics 1996 : featuring trend analysis of UK public and academic libraries 1985-95 / by John Sumsion, Claire Creaser and Catherine Hanratty.
Hans Hue And Cry Van Hang And Draw : A letter sent out of Holland from Hans Hue-& Cry, van Hang-&-draw, the executioner; : to his trusty and ill-beloved friend, Gregory the second, son of the destinies, terror to treason, arch-arme-strong of the axe, knight of the noose, ruler of the rope, and lord of the triple territory. With his letter sent in answer, treating deepe and dangerously of affaires in State. September 28. and October 4.
Hansard John : A book of entries, of declarations and other pleadings general and special, in the most usual actions in the Court of Kings-Bench : also a choice collection of special writs, and their retorns : together with observations in pleading, instructing the younger clerks in the practice of that court : from the original manuscripts in court-hand / collected and drawn by John Hansard ... ; to which are added, appeals of murder and mayheme, with variety of pleadings therein ; not printed before in any book of entries or pleadings.
Hansard Luke Graves : Luke Graves Hansard : his diary, 1814-1841 / edited with an introduction by P. Ford and G. Ford.
Hansard William : To the honourable the knights, citizens and burgesses assembled in the Commons House of Parliament. : The several petitions of William Hansard and Sir Frederick Hammiltoun knight and colonel. Together with the true state of the case concerning the lands of Lifford, in the county of Donnegal within the kingdom of Ireland. As also the several remonstrances of the committee at Grocers Hall for Irish affairs, in the behalf of Sir Frederick Hammiltoun. With the order of the Honourable House of Commons to the Committee of both Kingdoms; and their order thereupon for Sir Arthur Haslerig to make report.
Hansbro Jacqui : Housing in England 1993/94 : a report of the 1993/94 survey of English housing carried out by Social Survey Division of OPCS on behalf of the Department of the Environment / Hazel Green and Jacqui Hansbro.