Hantschel Allison : Special plans : the blogs on Douglas Feith & the faulty intelligence that led to war / selected and introduced by Allison Hantschel.
Hantz Sybant : A guide for the practical gauger : with a compendium of decimal arithmetick. Shewing briefly I. Many plain and easie ways how to gauge brewers tuns, coppers, backs, &c. also the mash-tun, either in whole, or gradually from inch to inch, with divers new tables for facilitating the work. II. The gauging of any wine, brandy, ale or oyl-cask, either in whole, or in part, with the construction and use of two tables of area's of circles, and Sybant Hantz his table of area's of segments of a circle. III. The mensuration of all manner of superficies, as board, glass, pavement, wainscot, tiling, floors, roofs, &c. also brick-work, timber and stone. Added as an appendix to the former work. Collected and published principally for the service of the farmers of his Majesties revenue of excise. By William Hunt, student in the mathematicks.
Hanus Josephus : Anni, menses ac dies singuli : quibus natus est, munus suum suscepit, mortem obivit Christus. Ex sacris voluminibus, chronologicis rationibus demonstrati. Authore Josepho Hanus Gallo. V.D.M.