Harvey William Active 1647 : A treatise concerning the baptizing of infants : wherein is plainely shewn the necessity and lawfulnesse of it, by the word of God. A worke so methodicall and concise, that the meanest capacity may in a short time be able to learne it, and convince the adversary. Wherein, first arguments are brought in, to proove infants right to baptisme. And then the arguments of the anabaptists of any moment answered and confuted. / By William Harvey.
Harvold Trygve : Legal decisions and information systems / Jon Bing, Trygve Harvold.
Harvye John Esq : The histories of Balaam, Jonas, John the Baptist : new moduled into verse with notes : worthy the observation / written by John Harvye ...
Harward Chiz : The upper Walbrook valley cemetery of Roman London : excavations at Finsbury Circus, City of London, 1987-2007 / Chiz Harward, Natasha Powers and Sadie Watson.
Harward Michael : The herds-man's mate, or, A guide for herds-men : teaching how to cure all diseases in bulls, oxen, cows and calves, gathered from sundry good authors, and well approved by the authour, in his thirty years practice : also many cures found out by himself, and never yet written, gathered into this portable volume, and sent abroad for the good of the common-wealth ... : being very profitable for all those that either have, or take charge of keeping this laborious, good, and fruitful kind of cattle / gathered and prosessed by Michael Harward.