Hendricks Albert : The honorable victorie obteined by graue Maurice his Excellencie, against the cittie of Rhyne-berg, the 20. of August. 1597 : Translated out of the Dutch coppie, printed in S. Grauenhaghe, by Albert Hendrickson.
Hendricks King : Letters from Jack London : containing an unpublished correspondence between London and Sinclair Lewis / edited by K. Hendricks and I. Shepard.
Hendricks Kristy M : Manual of pediatric nutrition / Kristy M. Hendricks, Christopher Duggan, W. Allan Walker.
Hendricks Margo : Women, "race" and writing in the early modern period / edited by Margo Hendricks and Patricia Parker.
Hendricks Nancy : America's first ladies : a historical encyclopedia and primary document collection of the remarkable women of the White House / Nancy Hendricks.
Hendricks Sean Q : Gaming as culture : essays on reality, identity and experience in fantasy games / edited by J. Patrick Williams, Sean Q. Hendricks and W. Keith Winkler.
Hendrickx F M M : In order not to fall into poverty : production and reproduction in the transition from proto-industry to factory industry in Borne and Wierden (the Netherlands), 1800-1900.
Hendricq Francis : The history of the angelicall virgin glorious S. Clare : dedicated to the Queens most excellent maiesty. Extracted out of the R. F. Luke Wadding his annalls of the freer minors chiefly by Francis Hendricq and now donne into English, by Sister Magdalen Augustine, of the holy order of the poore clarcs [sic] in Aire.
Hendriks J H W : Ontwikkelingen in de natuur : visies op de levende natuur in de wereld en scenario's voor het behoud daarvan / T. van der Meij, J.H.W. Hendriks, C.J.M Musters.
Hendriks Jean Harris : When father kills mother : guiding children through trauma and grief / Jean Harris Hendriks, Dora Black, and Troy Kaplan.
Hendriks P : Nederlandse synoniemen, voor puzzelaars en alle anderen.
Hendriks W A : Johan de Brune de Oude, 1588-1658 : descriptieve auteursbibliografie; subjectieve bibliografie / samengesteld door P.J. Verkruijsse; objectieve bibliografie/samengesteld door W.A. Hendriks en J. Mateboer.
Hendriks Wim 1936 : Application no. 8427/78 : Wim Hendriks against the Netherlands : report of the European Commission of Human Rights ...