Hernandez Lolly Lauren : Investigating compassion, attachment and psychological factors in relation to boarding school experiences / Lolly (Lauren) Hernandez.
Hernandez Ortiz Jose A : La genesis artistica de La lozana andaluza : el realismo literario de Francisco Delicado.
Hernandez P : Morceaux choisis des classiques espagnols.
Hernandez Perdomo Elvis Alexander : Three essays in corporate governance and corporate finance : international evidence / Elvis Alexander Hernandez Perdomo.
Hernandez Rafael : U.S.-Cuban relations in the 1990s / edited by Jorge I. Dominguez, Rafael Hernandez.
Hernandez Ramon : Novela espanola contemporanea : Cela, Delibes, Romero y Hernandez / por V. Cabrera y L. Gonzalez del Valle.
Hernandez Roberto : Decolonizing the westernized university : interventions in philosophy of education from within and without / edited by Ernesto Rosen Velásquez, Ramón Grosfoguel, and Roberto Hernández.
Hernandez Sanchez Barba Mario : Descripcion breve de toda la tierra del Peru, Tucuman, Rio de la Plata y Chile / de R. de Lizarraga. Jornada del Rio Maranon / de T. de Ortiguera; estudio preliminar por M. Hernandez Sanchez-Barba.
Hernandez Soto Nuria : Ley 30/92 de 26 de noviembre, sobre Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y Procedimiento Administrativo Común : guión de las principales novedades y temas modificados, respecto de la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo del 58 / Jon Kortaberria Lasa, Nuria Hernández Soto.
Herndon Mark 1960 : The complete guide to mergers and acquisitions : process tools to support M&A integration at every level / Timothy J. Galpin and Mark Herndon.
Herne John Active 1644 : Lent, 1638 : the learned reading of John Herne Esq., late of the Honourable Society of Lincolns-Inne, upon the Statute of 23 H. 8 cap. 3 concerning commissions of sewers / translated out of the French manusctipt [sic].
Herne Joseph Sir : The petition of the East India Company : to the honourable the knights, citizens and burgesses, assembled in Parliament, the humble petition of the governor and company of merchants of London, trading to the East-Indies in a general court assembled.