Holyoake Charles : A large dictionary in three parts : I. The English before the Latin, containing above ten thousand words more than any dictionary yet extant, II. The Latin before the English, with correct and plentiful etymological derivations, philological observations, and phraseological explications ..., III. The proper names of persons, places and other things necessary to the understanding of historians ans poets : in the whole comprehending whatsoever is material in any author upon this subject : together with very considerable and ample additions, carried on by a diligent search into the perusal of very many authors both ancient and modern : whereby this work is rendred the most complete and useful of any that was ever yet extant in this kind / performed by the great pains and many years study of Thomas Holyoke.
Holyoake Dean David : Discussing child and adolescent mental health nursing / by Sandy Fitzgibbon and Dean-David Holyoake.
Holyoke Edward 1660 : The doctrine of life, or, Of mans redemption, by the seed of Eve, the seed of Abraham, the seed of David, &c. : as it was taught in severall periods of time, from Gen. 3. 15. till Christ came in the flesh, to fulfill all typicall prefigurations of him by his death : wherein also sundry other fundamentall points are discussed and cleared from some common mistakes : as Daniels chronologie of seventy sevens, which is cleared from the uncertainty which too many expositors have unadvisedly cast upon it : and about the Jewes calling, that it must not be understand of any return to Canaan, or of their restauration to a perspicuous common wealth any more, but of the calling of a remnant of them to the faith, in the countries where they live dispersed : and with the true nature of our Lords sufferings, with sundry other such like points, as may be seen in the table : propounded by way of question and answer, with annotations thereunto annexed : divided into three parts / by Edward Holyoke of New-England.
Holzberg Niklas : Menander : Untersuchungen zur dramatischen Technik.
Holzen Heinz Von : Food of Indonesia : authentic recipes from the Spice Islands / recipes by Heinz von Holzen & Lother Arsana ; introduction and editing by Wendy Hutton.
Holzenthal Ralph W : Studies of neotropical caddisflies, LI : systematics of the neotropical caddisfly genus contulma (Trichoptera : Anomalopsychidae) : R.W. Holzenthal and O.S. Flint.
Holzer Brigitte : Disability in different cultures : reflections on local concepts / edited by Brigitte Holzer, Arthur Vreede, Gabriele Weigt ; [translations, Pat Skorge, Mary Kenney and Eva Schulte-Nölle].
Holzer Guenter Sheldon : The German electrical industry in Russia : from economic entrepreneurship to political activism, 1890-1918.
Holzhacker Ronald 1961 : Democratic governance and European integration : linking societal and state processes of democracy / edited by Dr. Ronald Holzhacker, Erik Albaek.