I S Indefatigable Seeker : An invitation of a seeker to all those that seriously desire to find the Lord / written by I.S. or the indefatigable seeker.
I T Active 1555 : An apologie or defence agaynst the calumnacion of certayne men : which preferring wylfull wyll and carnal reason before the playn trueth of Gods gospel, (do sclaundre those men, which for the better seruinge of God with a more pure conscience, according to his holy word) haue abandoned theyr liuinges and vocacion, abydinge as exyles in poore estate oute of theyr natyue cou[n]trye.
I T Active 1570 : The ready path to the pleasant pasture of delitesome and eternall paradyse : so called, bicause herein is declared how, and by what meanes, we shall easily obtayne the surprising pleasures of heauenly felicitie.
I T Active 1614 : A horrible creuel and bloudy murther : committed at Putney in Surrey on the 21. of Aprill last, 1614, being thursday, vpon the body of Edward Hall a miller of the same parish, done by the hands of Iohn Selling, Peeter Pet and Edward Streater, his seruants to the said Hall, each of them giuing him a deadly blow (as he lay sleeping) with a pickax. Published by authority.
I T Active 1634 : The carnall professor : Discovering the wofull slavery of a man guided by the flesh. Distinguishing a true spirituall Christian that walkes close with God, from all formalists in religion, rotten hearted hypocrites, and empty powerlesse professors whatsoever. By that faithfull servant of Christ, Robert Bolton B.D. late preacher in Northampton Shire.
I T Sacrae Theologiae Doctor : Problema theologicum propositum primò & disceptatum : dein scholastica determinatione fusiùs pertractatum & conclusum, de natura, vsu, æquitate, & necessitate subscriptionis doctrinæ fidei, & ceremonijs, in quàque ecclesia constitutis. Per I.T. sacræ theolgiæ doctorem.
I V A R : Sylloge variorum tractatuum anglico : quidem idiomate & ab auctoribus Anglis conscriptorum sed in linguam Latinam translatorum : quibus Caroli Magnæ Britan, Franciæ et Hiberniæ regis innocentia illustratur et parridicium injustissim︡e & immanissimè in illum perpetratum a pseudo-parlamento & perduelli exercitu luce clarius declaratur : accessit responsum pernecessarium ad declamationem seu provocationem Mr. Ioannes Cooke / auctore I.V.A.R.
I W A Factor In Dublin : Good and bad newes from Ireland : good, in the recovery of the fort and towne of Kinsale from the rebels ... : bad, in the relation of a most detestable and unheard of massacre perpetrated in Vantry upon the bodies of Mr. Iohn Davenant, his wife, children, and whole family by Odonnel Mac Hiwel an arch-rebell and neighbor to the foresaid gentleman / written by I.W. to an alderman of this city. Also the contents of a letter lately sent to a noble gentleman of this kingdome and read in the honourable House of Commons.
I W Active 1586 : The copie of a letter sent by a learned physician to his friend : wherein are detected the manifold errors vsed hitherto of the apothecaries, in preparing their compositions, as sirropes, condites, conserues, pilles, potions, electuaries, losinges, &c: wherein also the reader shall finde a farre better manner how to preserue and correct the same ...
I W Active 1610 : The copie of a late decree of the Sorbone at Paris, for the condemning of that impious and hæreticall opinion, touching the murthering of princes : generally maintained by the Iesuites, and amongst the rest, of late by Ioannes Mariana, a Spaniard: together, with the arrest of the Parliament, for the confirmation of that decree, and the condemning of the said Marianas booke, to be publiquely burnt by the executioner. Taken out of the Register of the Parliament, and translated into English.
I W Active 1623 : Grammaire espagnolle expliquée en françois. English
I W Active 1625 : A speedie poste, with certaine new letters. Or, the first fruits of new conceits, neuer yet disclosed : Now published for the helpe of such as desirous to learne to write letters. By I.W. gent.
I W Active 1643 : Sober sadnesse, or Plaine dealing. : Being a motive to all honest Christians to looke about them, whereby the truth may be observed by all those that love God, and King Charles. With a soveraigne balsome to cure these distracted times.
I W S : Daphnis polystephanos : An eclog treating of crownes, and of garlandes, and to whom of right they appertaine. Addressed, and consecrated to the Kings Maiestie. By G.B. Knight.
Iaglom A M : Statistical fluid mechanics : mechanics of turbulence / A.S. Monin and A.M. Yaglom ; edited by John L. Lumley.
Iaglom Isaac Moisievich : Felix Klein and Sophus Lie : evolution of the idea of symmetry in the nineteenth century.
Iagnemma Karl : On the nature of human romantic interaction.
Iai Seminar 2005 Paris France : State entities in international arbitration : IAI seminar, Paris - October 20, 2005 / edited by Emmanuel Gaillard and Jennifer Younan.