Ihringer Bernhard : Aus der Chronika deren von Zimmern : Historien und Kuriosa aus sechs Jahrhunderten deutschen Lebens / urkundlich erzählt von Graf F.C. von Zimmern, J. Muller ; herausgegeben von B. Ihringer.
Ihromi T O : Adat perkawinan Toraja Sa'dan dan tempatnya dalam hukum positip masa kini.
Iiasa Symposium On Global Modeling 5th 1977 Laxenburg : Input-output approaches in global modeling : proceedings of the Fifth IIASA Symposium ... September 26-29, 1977 [Laxenburg, Austria] / Gerhart Bruckmann, editor.
Iiasa Symposium On Global Modelling 4th 1976 Laxenburg : SARUM and MRI : description and comparison of a world model and a national model : proceedings of the Fourth IIASA Symposium ... September 20-23, 1976 / Gerhart Bruckmann, editor.
Iisser G A : Ocean currents and water masses at 1000, 1500 and 3000 metres in the South-West Indian Ocean.
Iivonen Antti : Voces amicorum Sovijärvi : in honorem Antti Sovijärvi septuagesimum annum agentis die XXII mensis aprilis anno MCMLXXXII / [toimituskunta Antti Iivonen, Seppo Suhonen, Pertti Virtaranta].
Iivonen Mirja : Trust in knowledge management and systems in organizations / Maija-Leena Huotari, Mirja Iivonen.
Iiyoshi Toru : Opening up education : the collective advancement of education through open technology, open content, and open knowledge / edited by Toru Iiyoshi and M.S. Vijay Kumar.
Iizawa Tadasu : Half a century of Japanese theater. Volume 8, 1950s / edited by Japan Playwrights Association.
Iizuka Hiroshi : Culture collections of micro-organisms / eds-in-chief. H. Iizuka and T. Hasewaga; eds. Y. Tsunematsu and others.
Ikari Yasauke : From Vedic altar to village shrine : towards an interface between Indology and Anthropology / aedited by Yasuhiko Nagano and Yasuke Ikari.