Indianapolis Museum Of Art : The neo-impressionist portrait, 1886-1904 / Jane Block and Ellen Wardwell Lee ; with contributions by Marina Ferretti Bocquillon and Nicole Tamburini.
Indifferent Hand : The assenters sayings : published in their own words for the information of the people : being in requital of Roger L'Estrange's Dissenters sayings / by an indifferent hand.
Indisch Militair Tijdschrift Extra Bijlage No 15 : Geneeskundig rapport betreffende de excursie naar de Gajo-en Alaslanden onder G.C.E. van Daalen : extra-bijlage no. 15. van de. Indisch Militair Tijdschrift.
Indo Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party On Fish Technology And Market : Spoilage of tropical fish and product development : proceedings of a symposium held in conjunction with the sixth session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 23-26 October 1984 / edited by A. Reilly.