Jackson John Active 1611 : The soule is immortall, or, Certaine discourses defending the immortalitie of the soule against the limmes of Sathan : to wit, Saducees, Anabaptists, atheists and such like of the hellish crue of aduersaries / written by Iohn Iackson.
Jackson John Minister Of The Gospel At Moulsea In Surrey : Index Biblicus: or An exact concordance to the Holy Bible, according to the last translation. : Whereunto are added The marginal readings, with the acceptations and various significantions of the principal words contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Old & New Testaments. / Composed in a new and most comprehensive method, and adorned with divers significant and pregnant scripture-phrases. By John Jackson, minister of the Gospel at Moulsea in Surrey.
Jackson John Of Kilingraves : The pedigree and perigrination of Israel : Being an abridgement of the histories of the creation of Adam. Cain & Abel. Noah. Abraham. Issac. Jacob. Joseph. Joshuah. Deborah. Ruth. Hezekiah. Zedekiah. And the taking of the Arke. With meditations and prayers upon each historie. By John Jackson of Kilingraves in Com. Ebor. Gentleman.
Jackson John P : Lohengrin / adapted from Wagner's opera by John P. Jackson.
Jackson John R : The British flora medica : a history of the medicinal plants of Great Britain / by Benjamin H. Barton, and Thomas Castle