Kinsey John : A catalogue of books, viz. in divinity, history, physick, [double bracket] mathematicks, lives, travels, &c. [bracket] Curiously bound. : Together with a collection of prints and drawings, by the best Italian, French, and dutch masters, curiously preserved: Also variety of books of pomp and triumphal arches, coyns, painting, architecture, and cosmography, in all volumes. With an extraordinary collection of pamphlets, collected by a private person for his own use. Will be sold by auction at the court of [bequests?] over against the lobby of the House of Commons, on Munday next, being the 8th of this instant February, beginning exactly at ten a clock in the morning. / By John Kinsey.
Kinsey Sara : The paradise bank [electronic resource] : the Mercantile Bank of India, 1893-1984 / Edwin Green and Sara Kinsey.
Kinsey Shirley : The Kinsey collection : shared treasures of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey : where art and history intersect / Bernard W. Kinsey and Shirley Pooler Kinsey
Kinsey Thomas E : Pro P. Quinctio oratio / edited with text.
Kinsey Wayne : Hammer films : the Bray Studios years / Wayne Kinsey.
Kinsley Andrew Gavin 1957 : Broughton Lodge : excavations on the Romano-British settlement and Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Broughton Lodge, Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, Nottinghamshire 1964-8 / excavations by M.J.Dean ; report by A.G.Kinsley ; with contributions from T.Blagg...[et al.].