Kinyon John : Cryptography decrypted / H.X. Mel, Doris M. Baker ; math appendix by Steve Burnett ; foreword by John Kinyon.
Kinz Franziska : Tagebuch einer Verlorenen [videorecording] = Diary of a lost girl / directed and produced by G. W. Pabst.
Kinzel G L : Computers in engineering : proceedings of the 1990 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference and Exposition, August 5-9, Boston, Massachusetts.
Kinzel Hella Maria : Physische geographie Deutschlands : eine Einführung mit Betonung der ge omorphologie, von F. Haefke. Norddeutschland, von m. Sander und H.M. Kinzel.
Kinzig Ann P : The functional consequences of biodiversity : empirical progress and theoretical extensions / Ann P. Kinzig, Stephen Pacala and G. David Tilman, editors.
Kip William 1624 : Britannia, siue Florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descriptio: nunc postremò recognita, plurimis locis magna accessione adaucta, & chartis chorographicis illustrata. Guilielmo Camdeno authore
Kipandjikusmin : The darkening sky : an Indonesian short story / translated by Walt Morgan.
Kipling Society : The reader's guide to Rudyard Kipling's work / editor, Roger Lancelyn Green ; assistant editor, Alec Mason ; prepared for R.E. Harbord ... of the Kipling Society.