Kirchbach Friedrich Von : Trade in the southern African development community : what is the potential for incresing exports to the Republic of South Arica? / by F. von Kirchbach and H. Roelofsen.
Kircher Athanasins : Phonurgia nova, sive conjngium mechanico-physicum artis & natural paranympha phonosophia concinnatum.
Kircher Athanasius : Itinerarium exstaticum, quo mundi opificium, id est coelestis expanse, siderumque tam errantium, quam fixorum natura, vires, proprietates, singulorumque compositio and structurn, at infimo Tellunis globo, usque ad ultima mundi consinia.
Kirchherr Julian : The Lean PhD : Radically Improve the Efficiency, Quality and Impact of Your Research.
Kirchhof Astrid Mignon : Nature and the Iron Curtain : environmental policy and social movements in Communist and capitalist countries, 1945-1990 / edited by Astrid Mignon Kirchhof and J.R. McNeill.
Kirchhoffer David G : Beyond autonomy : limits and alternatives to informed consent in research ethics and law / Edited by David G. Kirchhoffer, Bernadette J. Richards.
Kirchmaier Georg Wilhelm 1673 1759 : A collection of the funeral-orations, pronounc'd by publick authority in Holland upon the death of ... Mary II Queen of Great Britain, &c. / by Dr. James Perizonius ..., Dr. George Grevius ..., F. Francius ..., Mr. Ortwinius ..., and, the learned author of the Collection of new and curious pieces ; to which is added, the invitation of the chancellor of the electoral University of Wittenberg, in Saxony, to George Wilbain Kirchmais, to pronounce a funeral oration upon the Queen's death, &c. ; done into English from the Latin originals.
Kirchman David L : Microbial ecology of the oceans / edited by David L. Kirchman.
Kirchmayer L K : Modeling of large-scale energy systems : proceedings of the IIASA/IFAC Symposium ... February 25-29, 1980 / W. Hafele, editor; L. Kirchmayer, associate editor.
Kirchmeyer Helmut : Situationsgeschichte der Musikkritik und des musikalischen Pressewesens in Deutschland.
Kirchner Andreas : Energy efficiency in waste-to-energy and its relevance with regard to climate control / by Arne M. Ragossnig, Christian Wartha and Andreas Kirchner.
Kirchner Hermann 1562 1620 : Coryats crudities : hastily gobled vp in five moneths trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia co[m]monly called the Grisons country, Heluetia aliàs Switzerland, some parts of high Germany, and the Netherlands; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the county of Somerset, & now dispersed to the nourishment of the trauelling members of this kingdome.