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Kolmel Thorsten C : Das Auslandsgeschäft deutscher Versicherungsunternehmen in den USA.  2000 1
Kolmel Wilhelm : Wilhelm Ockham und seine Kirchenpolitischen Schriften.  1962 1
Kolmer Gertrud : Tag- und Tiertraume : Gedichte / Auswahtund Nachwort von F. Kemp.  1963 1
Kolmerten Carol A : Utopian and science fiction by women : worlds of difference / edited by Jane L. Donawerth and Carol A. Kolmerten ; foreword by Susan Gubar.  1994 1
Kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich : The golden age of theoretical ecology : 1923-1940.  1978 1
Koln Eduard : Phonological atlas of the northern region : the six northern counties north Lincolnshire and the Isle of Man.  1966 1
Kolnaar A H J : Study on the possible part played by certain primary non-employment incomes in the inflationary process in the Netherlands ... / by A.H.J. Kolnaar.  1974 1
Kolnai Aurel   2
Kolneder Walter   8
Kolner Dom : Die mittelalterlichen Glasmalereien des Kölner domes.  1974 1
Kolner Kammerchor : Così fan tutte [sound recording] / libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte.  p1999 1
Kolner Kammerorchester : Symphonies. Selections  2003 1
Kolner Kinderchor : Werther [sound recording].  1981 1
Kolner Klavier Duo : Piano music, 4 hands. Selections  p1997 1
Kolner Mediavistentagung 35th 2006 : Das Sein der Dauer / herausgegben von Andreas Speer und David Wirmer.  c2008 1
Kolner Mediavistentagung 40th 2016 Cologne Germany : Irrtum / herausgegeben von Andreas Speer, Maxime Mauriège = Error / edited by Andreas Speer, Maxime Mauriège = Erreur.  2018 1
Kolner Mediavistentagung 42nd 2020 Online : Curiositas / herausgegeben von Andreas Speer und Robert Maximilian Schneider.  2022 1
Kolner Rundfunk Sinfonie Orchester   2
Kolnischer Kunstverein : Antony Gormley : total strangers / documented in 22 photographs by Benjamin Katz ; edited by Udo Kittelmann ; [translations : Jürgen Blasius, John S. Southard].  1999 1
Kolocotroni Vassiliki : Modernism : an anthology of sources and documents / edited by Vassiliki Kolocotroni, Jane Goldman and Olga Taxidou.  1998 1
Kolodko Grzegorz W : From shock to therapy : the political economy of postsocialist transformation.  2000 1
Kolodner Eva : Boys don't cry [videorecording] / directed by Kimberly Peirce.  2002 1
Kolodny Annette   2
Kolodny Karen : Protection of minority shareholders after a take-over bid : the UK and Ontario compared.    1
Kolodziej Edward A   2
Kolokotrones Theodoros : Memoirs from the Greek war of independence, 1821-1833.  1969 1
Koloma Beck Teresa 1977 : Transitional justice theories / edited by Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Teresa Koloma Beck, Christian Braun and Friederike Mieth.  2014 1
Kolompar Djula : Cases of Farmakopoulos, Vidal, Kolompar, Boddaert v. Belgium : judgments of March, April, September and October, 1992.  1993 1
Koloniaal Museum Te Haarlem : Bijdragen tot de kennis van het gebruik van sirih in Nederlandsch-Oost-Indie : bekroonde antwoorden op de prijsvraag.  1905 1
Koloniaal Universitair Centrum Te Leuven : Onze kolonie en de kolonisatie : voordrachten en lezingen gehouden in het Koloniaal Universitair Centrum (Kol. U.C.), tijdens de akademische jaren 1939-40 tot en met 1943-44.  1946 1
Koloniale Tentoonstelling Semarang : Gedenkboek van de Koloniale Tentoonstelling Semarang, 20 Augustus- 22 November 1914; uitgegeven door het Hoofdbestuur der Vereeniging Koloniale Tentoonstelling Semarang.  1916 1
Kolonitskii B I : Interpreting the Russian Revolution : the language and symbols of 1917 / Orlando Figes and Boris Kolonitskii.  1999 1
Kolopaking Sumitro : Tjoret-tjoretan pengalaman sepandjand mosa.  1969 1
Koloquium Masyarakat Melayu Abad Ke 18 1987 Universiti Kebangsaan : Koloquium Masyarakat Melayu Abad ke-18 pada 17 Oktober, 1987; tempat : Bilik Mesyuarat Majlis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.  1987? 1
Koloski Ostrow Ann Olga   2
Koloskov Aleksandr Ivanovich : Maiakovskii v vospominanniakh rodnykh i druzei.  1968 1
Koloss L : Hikayat Panji Semirang.    1
Kolovich Lisa : Fiscal policies and gender equality / Lisa Kolovich, editor.  2018 1
Kolp Alan : Better Humans, Better Performance : Driving Leadership, Teamwork, and Culture with Intentionality.  2022 1
Kolpakova Irina Aleksandrovna 1933 : The sleeping beauty / USSR Gosteleradio and the National Video Corporation (International) Limited ; choreography by Marius Petipa ; production staged by Konstantin Sergeyev ; directed for television by Elena Macheret ; production directors, A. A. Mironov, L. M. Shamatrina ; director, Maxim Krestin ; chief choreographer, Oleg Vinogradov ; producer, Svetlana Kononchuk.  1990? 1
Kolsen Adolf : Sämtliche Lieder des Trobaders Giraut de Bornelh.  1910 1
Kolskii Filial Im S M Kirova Poliarno Alpiiskii Botanicheskii Sad Akademiia : Dekorativnye rasteniia i ozelenenie krainego severa SSSR.  1962 1
Kolsrud Oluf : Rome and the counter-reformation in Scandianavia until the establishment of the S. Congregation de Propaganda Fide in 1622.  1963 1
Kolsrud Siguard : Nynersken i sine malfore.  1974 1
Kolstad Charles D : Intermediate environmental economics / Charles D. Kolstad.  2011 1
Kolsti John : The gypsies of eastern Europe / edited by D. Crowe and J. Kolsti.  1991 1
Kolstoe Ralph Hertsgaard : Introduction to statistics for the behavioral sciences.  1969 1
Kolt Gregory S   3
Kolt H : The old Norse sagas.    1
Koltai Julie : Three films [videorecording] / Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub.  2010? 1
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