Le Duc Don R : Law of mass communications : freedom and control of print and broadcast media / by Dwight L. Teeter, Don R. Le Duc.
Le Duke John : Tables for the ready casting up of the price of Colchester-bays : together with other small tables useful to so many : whereunto is added some tables of interest and discount at six, seven and eight per cent. very useful for merchants and tradesmen / by John Le Duke, French school-master in Colchester.
Le Fanu Thomas Philip : The Fasti of St. Patrick's Dublin with an appendix on the French congregation in the Lady Chapel of St. Patrick's Cathedral 1666-1816 / by T.P. Le Fanu.
Le Feuvre Lisa : Adam Chodzko : Proxigean tide / [texts by Martin Clark et al. ; catalogue essays, Lisa Le Feuvre, Martin Herbert, Andrew Wilson ; catalogue editors, Rosa Ainley, Martin Clark].
Le Fevour Edward : Western enterprise in late Ch'ing China : a selective survey of Jardine,Matheson and Company's operations, 1842-1895.
Le Fevre Jean Sieur De Saint Remy : Chronique de Jean le Fevre/ transcrite d'un manuscrit appartenant a la bibliotheque de Boulogne-sur-Meret publiee par F. Morand.