Le Moyne Stephanus : [Bibliotheca instructissima], sive Catalogus librorum in omnigena literatura, præsertim vero antiqua romana & græca maxime insignium : magna ex parte ex bibliothecis celeberrimorum virorum Casparis Fagel ... & Stephani Le Moyne ... : accedit quoque bibliotheca equisitissima illmi & eruditissimi viri nuper defuncti : quorum auctio habebitur Londini tertio die Februarii 1689/90, apud Sam's coffee-house in vico vulgo dicto Ave-Mary-lane prope Ludgate.
Le Pautre Jean 1618 1682 : Albert Durer revived, or, A book of drawing, limning, washing, or colouring of maps and prints : and the art of painting, with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers : with directions how to lay and paint pictures upon glass, or, The young-man's time well spent : in which he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing any thing by hand, when he is able to draw well : by the use of this work you may draw all parts of a man, legs, arms, hands and feet, severally and together : and directions for birds, beasts, landskips, ships, and the like : moreover, grounds to lay silver or gold upon, and how silver and gold shall be laid or limned upon size, and the way to temper gold and silver, and other metals, and divers kinds of colours, to write or to limn withal, upon vellum, parchment , or paper, and how to lay them upon the work which you intend to make, and how to varnish it when you have done : how also to diaper and shadow things, and to heighten them to stand off : to deepen them, and make them glister [sic] : in this book you have the necessary instruments for drawing, and the use of them, and how to make artificial pastiles to draw withal : and also directions how to draw with Indian-ink : wherein you have also Mr. Hollar's receipt for etching, with instructions how to use it : very useful for all handicrafts, and ingenuous gentlemen and youths : by hammer and hand all arts do stand.
Le Preux Jean 1609 : Commentarii in sacram Actuum Apostolicorum historiam / facili & perspicua methodo conscripti a Benedicto Aretio Bernensi Theologo. Cum Indice rerum & verborum memorabilium, quae in hisce continentur.
Le Prevost Marthe : Guidelines for the testing of looked after children who are at risk of a blood-borne infection / [written by Marthe Le Prevost and Amanda Williams.]