Learmont John : Review of prison service security in England and Wales and the escape from Parkhurst Prison on Tuesday 3rd January 1995 / by General Sir John Learmont.
Learmonth Alyson M : Promoting public mental health and well-being : principles into practice / Jean S. Brown, Alyson M. Learmonth, and Catherine J. Mackereth; foreword by John R. Ashton.
Learned And Godly Minister Sometimes Preacher At Alhallows Lombardstreet : Cheap-side crosse censured and condemned by a letter sent from the vicechancellour and other learned men of the famous Vniversitie of Oxford, in answer to a question propounded by the citizens of London concerning the said crosse in the yeare 1600, in which year it was beautified : as also some divine arguments taken out of a sermon against the crosse a little after it was repaired / by a learned and godly minister, sometimes preacher at Alhallows Lombardstreet.
Learned And Truly Loyal Gentleman : The Excellency of monarchy : a panegyrick written anno 1658 / by a learned and truly loyal gentleman for information of the miserably misled Commonwealths-men (falsly so called) of that deceitful age and now reviv'd by a friend to the author and an honourer of the establish'd government of these nations.
Learned Andrea : Don't think pink : what really makes women buy--and how to increase your share of this crucial market / Lisa Johnson, Andrea Learned.
Learned Author : Several arguments against bowing at the name of Jesus. / By a learned author.